洞察力 4月26日


The COVID-19 pandemic has radically 改变d almost every 日常生活的一部分. 我们认为理所当然的活动,比如去 to a restaurant or shopping for food, are now restricted.

业务es have had to adapt rapidly to meet this radical 改变. 超市 in particular have faced enormous challenges, including unprecedented 需求高峰.

Initially, panic buying meant a massive increase in demand 客流量也相应激增. 随着社会的引入 distancing, footfall patterns 改变d overnight and now demand for home 供过于求.

In this constantly evolving situation, *Mitie is working in partnership with clients to keep the country’s food and essential goods supply 安全可靠.


  • 社会距离 ——在引入社交距离之后, Mitie制定并实施了新的协议, including zone demarcation and staggering customer entry into stores.
  • 保护员工和客户 – although 在很多方面 the pandemic has fostered increased community spirit, 可悲的是, 在采取行动限制措施之后, there was an increase in Anti-Social Behaviour and violence towards supermarket staff. 除了, 非食品零售商店关闭, supermarkets saw a short term spike in shoplifting and associated crime.

    为了解决这个问题, Mitie’s retail security specialists at our 安全 Operation Centre (SOC) are deploying market leading 科技nology, including advanced remote CCTV monitoring and our proprietary incident recording and sharing platform, 梅林. 除了, Police liaison has been heightened and security officer numbers significantly increased, reassuring staff and customers that this behaviour will not be tolerated.
  • 快速增长的资源 – meeting the evolving challenges has required the deployment of 1,000s of extra security officers in supermarkets across the UK. This has included redeploying colleagues from sectors where there is reduced demand, as well as introducing the 行业’s first ever online SIA (安全 Industry Authority) licence qualification programme.

    Our unique control room protocols and market leading resourcing platform is allowing resource to be flexed in real-time, ensuring increased demand is met and supermarket staff and customers are kept safe.


  • 保持端口开放 – HSBC states that 80% of the food consumed in Britain each year is imported, 包括胡萝卜和茶等主食. Mitie provides security services in many ports across the UK. To help keep the ports open in response to the government’s social distancing guidance, Mitie has worked with Port Authorities to develop and implement new security procedures, helping to ensure food imports continue to arrive and the country’s food and essential goods stocks are replenished.
  • 配送中心 -在某些方面, getting food and essential goods to the right place and the right time safely has never been more challenging. 在全国各地的配送中心, Mitie is working with clients to ensure security protocols, 包括货物装卸, are adapted to meet the unique circumstances the pandemic has caused.

我们的规模, 协作和灵活的方法, strong client relationships and deep 行业 expertise means Mitie are taking a leadership role in helping to secure the nation’s food and essential goods supply at this critical time.

*Mitie 安全 is the UK’s largest provider of security services to the retail sector.




If you would like more information about Mitie’s Critical Infrastructure Services, please contact us using this form – a member of the Mitie team will contact you as soon as possible.

